How to Get Rid of Bikini Line Razor Bumps and Scars

Woman with blue bikini in ocean

Razor bumps, am I right? Who wants them and who needs them, no one. Especially not around your bikini line. Razor bumps and scars can ruin a cute two-piece bikini or lingerie? It may make you feel embarrassed and self-conscious. While scars are something we can’t control because of the beautiful melanin in our skin, we can help lighten and prevent them altogether. Consider trying the helpful tips below to get your bikini line right.


Two words, coconut oil, and brown sugar. These two natural ingredients create the perfect exfoliate that is not only effective but cheap to make (if you prefer to purchase grab this brown sugar scrub). I recommend exfoliating before and after shaving. Pre-exfoliating aligns the hairs and gets rid of dead skin cells to get a smoother even cut and post-exfoliating wipes away any bacteria and skin that can clog otherwise clean pores.

Aloe Vera Gel

To soothe razor bump irritation and lighten spots use a dime-sized amount of Aloe Vera gel. Simply use your fingertips and pat the gel gently over the area.

Lemon Juice

One tried and true way to lighten pesky scars around your bikini line is lemon juice. Just dab fresh lemon juice on the affected area and leave it on overnight before rinsing off in the morning. I guess it’s like the old saying goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”


In my opinion, the number one solution for razor bumps is to ditch the blade and consider waxing instead. I can honestly say that since switching to waxing, I have been bump-free. Although waxing can be expensive, you can always find a coupon on Groupon.



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